Raafos Analytics are leading suppliers of digital services via the Digital Marketplace, providing a full range of services from individual specialists, outcome-based delivery, and user research facilities to cloud hosting, software and support.DIGITAL MARKETPLACE
The Digital Outcomes and Specialists framework enables public sector organisations to access people and technology for digital projects. We supply various services through all four Lots of the framework: digital outcomes; digital specialists; user research studios; and user research participants.DIGITAL OUTCOMES AND SPECIALISTS
The G-Cloud framework allows customers to choose and purchase cloud services covering cloud hosting, cloud software and cloud support. The framework is for commodity based, pay-as-you go services.G-CLOUD 10
The ConsultancyONE framework provides strategic, broad based advice across a wide range of disciplines and functions, to support, guide and provide innovative solutions to public sector customers.CONSULTANCYONE
The Local Authority Software Applications (LASA) framework is intended to provide a route to market for the acquisition of software and related services that enable primarily Local Authorities within the UK to deliver services to their citizens.LOCAL AUTHORITY SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS
The Enterprise Application Support Services (EASS) framework is intended to cover the purchase of enterprise application support services.ENTERPRISE APPLICATION SUPPORT SERVICES
The Corporate Software Solutions Framework provides access to ERP, CRM and EDRM systems and related services including design, development, installation, ongoing support, training, enhancement and maintenance.CORPORATE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS
The Non Medical Non Clinical agreement provides access to temporary staff, interims and contractors across a range of roles and levels. Digital Raafos Analytics supplies though Lot 4: Corporate Functions and Lot 5: IT Professionals.NON MEDICAL NON CLINICAL
The DATS agreement is open to all Scottish public bodies. It is designed to support the delivery of complex, transformational projects of differing sizes, levels of complexity, value and risk. Services include: ICT Project & Programme Management, Cyber Security, Digital Services, Service Integration & Management, IT Consultancy, and Systems IntegrationDIGITAL AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (DATS)